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  • Writer's pictureJoy Manson

The Waiting Game

A couple of days before Christmas, I got some good health news – sort of – and it would be remiss of me not to mention it here.

Almost miraculous, really. Apparently, I managed to convince Dr. Doomandgloom’s pitbull of a receptionist that my hoarse voice could be caused by an MS flare up. I wish I’d shouted at her something like this: “I’ve had MS for 25 years, and I know the difference between a bona fide flareup and dry winter air.” Instead, I took the high road and calmly countered all her arguments. Even though I wanted to tear a strip off her, in the back of my mind was the thought that I shouldn’t risk pissing her off. After a week of waiting he actually called me.

Doomandgloom sounded genuinely sorry when I told him about my accident. He asked a few more questions. He doesn’t think the laryngitis is caused by MS, because there are no other symptoms of brainstem involvement, such as a droopy eyelid. Reassuring to hear this, yes, but what’s going on with my voice?

He thinks it may be a sinus/post-nasal drip issue and said he’d ask for a consult with an ENT. As I’m still holding onto the faint hope that it’s caused by a mild sinus infection that can be fixed by a course of antibiotics, I’m happy to hear this. But how long will I have to wait this time??? Perhaps the two referrals – one from him and one from the psychiatrist back in November – will make things happen more quickly. It must have, because five days later the ENTs office called and I have an appointment in January.

Hooray, another specialist!! Wouldn’t it be ironic if it turned out to be something a phone call to my family doctor could have resolved two months ago – if only I had one?! The irony of MS pulls the rug out from under me yet again.

And now I’m worrying again. If it isn’t an infection, what awful thing will be discovered? No Joy, don’t go there. Think positively and believe that my days of rotten luck are behind me.

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