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COVID Rambling

Writer's picture: Joy MansonJoy Manson

What I really need is some retail therapy, a haircut and a dye job. I bought something online a couple weeks ago, which helped, but it hasn’t arrived yet, and about once a week or so I get an email saying the shipment is delayed. Fingers crossed that it actually arrives. My hair is another matter. It grows so quickly. Normally I get my hair cut every five weeks, and coloured every other month. 14 weeks later and two missed colour treatments, my perky pixie now looks like a witch aging badly. In a very weird way, I’m actually kind of enjoying watching my hair get worse and worse. It’s like a badge of honour because it’s happening to everyone all around the world. Should make for an interesting before and after pic.

Another COVID symptom. I can’t seem to focus on anything long enough to accomplish something. One minute I’m listening to a self-help book by Brene Brown, and then a thought intrudes that I should blog about my son serenading me by fiddle for Mother’s Day. When I start to blog about it my mind wanders again, thinking about an email that has just arrived from a close friend. I want to respond in a meaningful way, before too much time passes and I lose my train of thought.

What’s going on? Yes, I’m blogging but I don’t seem to have the self-discipline to focus on a topic. I’m not taking advantage of all the extra free time. I hate to squander this precious resource. I have a memoir I could be working on, but I seem to be noodling on my computer aimlessly. I know what to do! My new obsession, watching parrot training videos on YouTube.

1 Comment

Jun 02, 2020

OMG parrot training videos. Will check THOSE out!

I have been cutting my own hair. It has become somewhat of a calming obession of mine. ( Maybe this is a disorder). Oh well...

It i getting shorter all the time. Yesterday my husband's new hair trimmer arrived in the post. Itnis taking all my strength not to grab the bloody thing and shave my head. I think it is either that or take up smoking or get a dog. Oh life!


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